If you receive a PDF file that you want to reference as you draw, you can attach it as an underlay and looks it transparent over the drawing entities. The PDF format is widely used everywhere.iCADMac creates a package containing the current drawing and its dependent files such as References, referenced images, referenced PDF files, font files, font mapping files, PrintStyle files, and Print Configuration files.Display and edit iCADMac drawings on iPad™, iPhone®, and iPod touch® in DWG and PDF formats.iCADMac supports multiple line creation of up to 16 simultaneous tracks.Advanced module will be available soon for for a small fee. iCADMac has basic rendering functions with Light and Shading management.iCADMac has more than 300 additional hatch patterns.iCADMac has Property Bar which is a visual and intuitive interface to edit object properties.

iCADMac has Standard Interface which is a friendly, familiar environment for AutoCAD® users.iCADMac has Xref Manager which is a module for quick, easy management of external references.iCADMac supports polygonal layout viewports.iCADMac supports rectangular and polygonal clip on images.iCADMac displays and creates and edits DWG drawings with images, photos and raster images.iCADMac displays and creates Gradient Hatches.

iCADMac can export your drawings in the PDF format.

iCADMac has high compatibility with the DWG drawing file format, from Version 2.5 up to the most recent AutoCAD® 2018.See further comparisons by selecting the button below… iCADMac supports 3D ACIS Solid Modeling, 3D Surface commands such as revsurf, rulesurf, etc., iCADMac also has 3D Realistic Rendering built in allowing you to make true to life representations of your AutoCAD compatible DWG models.SCR, AutoLISP, SHX and TTF fonts, CTB and PCP for Plotting, Hatch Patterns, Linetypes, etc. iCADMac supports AutoCAD file types: DWG, DXF.iCADMac’s user interface is complete with “AutoCAD Like” icon menus and commands.edit every version of DWG: AutoCAD 2.5 through the latest! iCADMac works with AutoCAD DWG files, without any type of conversion.